
We are recycling glass bottles! How about you?

With the support from the government’s Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), World Green Organisation (WGO) is now working on a pilot glass beverage bottle recycling project aiming at improving the recycling rate of the glass beverage bottle in commercial sector. The title of this project is 【"ECF" - Community Waste Reduction - Glass Beverage Recycling】. Through this project, WGO will:


Collection service is free-of-charge

WGO will offer free collection service within the project period, including offering recycle bins and recycling service to collect the glass beverage bottles on a regular-basis. This collection service is free-of-charge. No money will be charged to any participants from WGO or contractor.

Thank you for the continuous support from all of our stakeholders, included the staff of the bars, restaurants and shopping mall, and the janitors work near our recycling points towards our glass beverage recycling scheme.

List of our participants is shown on the Chinese version of this page.


If you are interested in this project, please fill in the following form:

* Mandatory

The proper way to recycle glass bottles for our participants


Enroll by email or fax:

Download form


2391 1693 Ms. Tam

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Environment and Conservation Fund.
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