2022 年度 地球‧敢「動」線上行 - 步足減碳大挑戰

地球‧敢「動」線上行 - 步足減碳大挑戰

因應原訂於2022年9月25日舉行之「地球。敢「動」行2022城市定向比賽暨嘉年華」延期,地球‧敢「動」線上行 - 步足減碳大挑戰將延長至 2022年12月31日結束。繼續鼓勵企業、機構及公眾身體力行為氣候行多步,締造全民減碳記錄,齊心邁向碳中和。

如有任何查詢,請電郵 greenwalk2022@thewgo.org 與活動秘書處聯絡。

今年我們與主要贊助商大新銀行首次舉辦步足減碳大挑戰線上步行活動,透過手機應用程式Green WALK HK,鼓勵企業、機構及公眾為氣候行多步,締造全民減碳記錄,慶祝大新銀行成立75周年的同時,又與大眾身體力行為慈善步出新氣候,齊心邁向碳中和。企業可邀請員工參與,組成企業團隊將他們的步數轉化為可減少的碳排放量。於比賽期間,累計最高步數的頭三名企業、機構隊伍將於地球‧敢「動」行城市定向比賽暨嘉年華當日上台獲取殊榮。而步數最高的頭十名人士可獲得大會的紀念T恤、毛巾、Green WALK環保布口罩、電子證書及其他精美禮品。個人組別步數最高的十位參加者,以及所有參加步足減碳大挑戰的企業、機構團隊均可獲得電子證書,見證減碳成果。

大新銀行75周年 公益挑戰賽

主要贊助商大新銀行邀請方力申先生及4位精英運動員(包括江旻憓小姐、黃浩聰先生、葉姵延小姐及江忞懿小姐 )參與大新銀行75周年公益挑戰賽,5位運動好手將化身減碳隊長在社交平台上呼籲公眾為所代表的慈善機構,累積75萬步行路減碳目標。所有成功達到75萬步或以上的運動大使隊伍,贊助商大新銀行將向指定環保慈善機構捐款合共最多港幣75萬元,將步數、減碳量轉化為愛心善行,推動環保及可持續生活方式!


比賽不限時間和地點,由手機應用程式(Green WALK HK)記錄參加者步數

參加方法 :
1. 下載手機應用程式(Green WALK HK):https://wgo.org.hk/greenwalk/tc/download.php
2. 按應用程式指示完成設定、授權及登記成為用戶
3. 成為用戶後,在主畫面的排行榜內選取心儀的隊伍並按"加入組別"
4. 成為組員後,即可與地球。敢『動』行大使﹑精英運動員或所屬企業/機構並肩同行,締造減碳紀錄
5. 組員必須每日開啟和登入Green WALK HK App,方可記錄每日的步數及減碳指數,更可賺取積分
6. 隨時進入組別步行排行榜,查看最新排名,緊貼比賽戰況:https://www.wgo.org.hk/apps/gw/event2022.php
7. 比賽結果將於地球。敢「動」行城市定向比賽暨嘉年華當日公佈,稍後以電郵或電話通知個人得獎者有關領獎安排,而企業、機構隊伍將獲邀出席當日的頒獎禮
8. 下載手機應用程式(Green WALK HK)用戶使用說明書:https://bit.ly/GWHKAPPUSER
9. 如有其他問題想查詢,你可隨時透過電郵 greenwalk2022@thewgo.org 與本會職員聯絡

地球‧敢「動」線上行 - 組別步行排行榜

Green WALK Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge

In view of the postponement of the Green WALK Hong Kong 2022 City Orienteering Competition cum Carnival which was originally scheduled on 25 September 2022, the Green WALK Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge will be extended to 31st December, 2022. We will keep encouraging corporations, organisations and the public to walk more and achieve an outstanding carbon emissions reduction record and move towards carbon neutrality together.

Should you have any enquiries, please send email to us via greenwalk2022@thewgo.org

This year, WGO and the presenting sponsor Dah Sing Bank, organise the first "Green WALK Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge" to encourage more corporations, organisations and the public to join the challenge, creating an outstanding carbon emissions reduction record through the "Green WALK HK" app. The challenge joins in the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Dah Sing Bank to mobilise the public to walk for charity and move towards carbon neutrality together. Corporations could engage their employees, to form a corporate team to translate their steps into amount of carbon emissions reduced. The top three corporate and organisation teams with the highest number of steps will be awarded on stage during the "Green WALK City Orienteering Competition cum Carnival". The top ten individual participants with the highest number of steps will also receive commemorative t-shirts, towels, "Green WALK" reusable masks, e-certificates and other gifts. The top ten individual participants with the highest number of steps, all corporates and organisations will receive an e-certificate for participating in the Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge.

Dah Sing Bank 75th Anniversary Charity Challenge

Our presenting sponsor - Dah Sing Bank has invited Mr. Alex Fong and 4 elite athletes, namely Miss Vivian Kong, Mr. Wong Ho Chung, Miss Yip Pui Yin and Miss Yvette Kong to participate in the "Dah Sing Bank 75th Anniversary Charity Challenge". The talented athletes will become the captains of carbon emissions reduction, mobilising the public via social media platforms to walk 750,000 steps carbon emissions reduction target for our climate. Dah Sing Bank will donate up to HKD750,000 to designated green charitable organisations for all teams that have achieved 750,000 steps or more, transforming the steps and carbon emissions reduction into charities to promote green and sustainable lifestyle!

Join our "Green WALK" ambassador and elite athlete teams to challenge CO2 reduction target with 750,000 steps for charities!

Event Period: 4th August, 2022 (Thursday) to 25th September, 2022 (Sunday)
No limitations on time or locations, participants' steps will be calculated by the "Green WALK HK App" and it is free to join!

How to participate:
1. Download the "Green WALK HK" mobile app: https://wgo.org.hk/greenwalk/tc/download.php
2. Follow the instructions of the app to complete the setup, authorisation and registration
3. After registration, select your favorite team in the leaderboard section of the main screen and press "Join Group"
4. After joining a group, support one of the "Green WALK" ambassador, elite athletes or corporation / organisation teams of your choice to walk side by side and create carbon emissions reduction records together
5. Login to the "Green Walk HK App" everyday to record the number of steps and carbon emissions reduction index to earn points
6. Go to the leaderboard, to check the latest ranking, and keep abreast of the competition anytime: https://www.wgo.org.hk/apps/gw/event2022.php
7. The results of the competition will be announced on the day of "Green WALK City Orienteering Competition cum Carnival". Individual winners will be notified by email or phone (phone calls/messages) about the award arrangement after the event day, while corporation and organisation teams will be invited to attend the award ceremony on the event day.
8. Download the user guide of the “Green WALK HK” mobile app (Chinese version only): https://bit.ly/GWHKAPPUSER
9. If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us by email greenwalk2022@thewgo.org

Green WALK Hong Kong 2022
Green WALK Group Ranking Leaderboard
Green WALK City Orienteering Competition cum Carnival

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